Lara Zoë Steiner
Deployable Skirt Designed and fabricated for the Wharton Charity Fashion Show In Collaboration with PennDesign Looks team
The Deployable Skirt was created for the Wharton Charity Fashion Show by one of five PennDesign Looks teams. The aim was to highlight the different parts of the body at different moments through slow changes in the piece. There are four significant moments in the skirt. At first, it works like a skirt hoop amplifying the hips. Then it starts extending upwards towards the bust. Here the skirt acts as a mid-waist corset, exaggerating the bust. As it reaches the third stage, both the hips and the bust are enhanced. As the skirt extends into its final state of deployment, it works towards highlighting the waist. In its final stage, the skirt defines the waist while still enhancing the hips and bust, as a full body corset. The deployment of the piece is made possible through the use of simple angular scissors. The angle of the scissors change throughout the skirt to create a parabolic shape which will emphasize the different sections of the torso throughout the deployment process.
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